(206) 200-6726 Susanscherr77@gmail.com
291 E Valley Rose Dr Shelton Wa 98584


Way up high near the heavens I opened. My heart soared, and a love and a passion for the night sky was born. Way up high near the heavens I remembered, I once had a voice.

I remembered what it felt like to be free and to want something. And to know that for a moment, at least, it was possible.

Life grabs us and before we know it, we are 30 or 40 or 70 years old. None of us can believe this has happened, we question this very concept called aging. This cannot possibly be us, in this body and in this time and existence.

This image you see is of the glorious Milky Way. I took this picture on a rutted and brushy hillside on volcano of Mauna Kea from about 9,000ft. The orange glow you see in the distance is an eruption of the volcano Kilauea, some 90 plus miles away. Yes, my heart was beating wildly, anything and everything felt and seemed possible.

What does this image have to do with voice? What does it have to do with finding a piece of oneself on a distant, freezing hillside on the side of a volcano at 3am in the morning? Where it is so dark you are alone with yourself, except that the galactic core of the Milky Way is there with you, it is in you and you in it! How can this very thing not alter the thoughts and the ideas you have carried around inside of you for years on end?

This image and this experience have everything to do with finding one’s own voice, one’s self. Haven’t we each lost a piece of ourselves along this path called life?

So, I say, go out there and find a piece of yourself not yet known to you. Do something new, dream! Find a place that opens something in you, that leaves you in wonder. Have a moment that alters your thinking and your belief in yourself. Be brave and be changed.

This image is my Voice. It is the soaring of my heart. As I look into this image, I hear my voice. I feel its vibration moving through my body and my mind.

And now I search, I locate and I find more of these moments. And just yesterday, I soared again.

Until next time…….

Susan Scherr


